Selected Stories
The Atlantic
The Irony of the Sephora Tweens
The Atlantic
How to Have a Realistic Conversation About Beauty With Your Kids
WIRED Magazine
Digital Culture is Literally Reshaping Women’s Faces
Face Value: Inside South Korea’s Booming Plastic Surgery District
In South Korea, ‘Lookism’ Is ‘Enforced With Open Discrimination’
A Few Favorites

Enter the Quiet Zone, Where WiFi and Cell Service Are Banned

‘Comfort Women’ Memorial Statues, A Thorn in Japan’s Side, Now Sit on Buses

As a Japanese Mountain Village Shrinks, So Do Its Prospects for Kabuki
My Book, FLAWLESS, is Available Now
FLAWLESS is a wide-ranging journalistic exploration of the present and future of beauty through the lens of South Korea’s booming K-beauty industry and the culture it promotes.